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Sierra del Rosario:

The Sierra del Rosario form part of the chain of Guaniguanico's mountains in Pinar del Río. El Pan de Guajaibón, is the highest part of the mountains and the occidental part of Cuba.It stand 699m. One part is considered as a reserve fund by the UNESCO. It has 25000 Km. Most of the area is covered by a tropical wood that in some zones can reach 35m.

It is normal to find semideciduous, woods, as soon as many shrubby and herby association with a 34% of endemic species. The fauna is abundant, diverse and important for some species. More than 50 species of birds have been reported, such as: Cuban nighttingales and woodpickers. There you can also find some reptiles: such as ophidia, saurians and the turtle (psedemys decussata) that live in little ponds, rivers and rivulets the water lizard is one of the endemic specie of the "La Sierra del Rosario".


Horizonte Soroa Valley

Soroa high-road Km8, Candelaria, Pinar del Rio.Very close to the Valley you can find the place in which the orchids can be found the waterfall and the Soroa belvedere. The orchid place is the biggest in Cuba and has 700 species among them 250 are Cubans, such as , ferns, begonias.

Valley of Viñales:

The Valley of Viñales is one of the most attractive areas in Cuba; it is part of the Sierra of the Organs, located in the mountain range of Guaniguanico. There you will find different types of calcareous soils, slates, schist's and sandstones. In the drier areas, the hummocks contrast surprisingly for their height, rounded summits and the uprightness of their hillsides. The Valley because of its beauty and extension is the most outstanding exponent among the existing groups of carsic valleys. Represented in their interior are numerous hummocks. There is a great quantity of caves, among those that stand is the Cave of the Indian, and the cave system of great caves Santo Tomás. In Viñales, palms, caduceus leaved trees, very woody bushes and some carnose plants represent the most authentic vegetation of hummocks of the country. The hummocks have such a density of endemic plants that they are comparable with few other areas in Cuba. They have a marked site endemism; among the endemic plants of Cuba, most prominent are the Ceibón (Bombax emarginatum), Small Sierra Palm (Trinax microcarpa), the Caiman Oak (Tabebuia calcicola) and in some areas the endemic fossil plant of Cuba: the Cork Palm.(Microcycas culocoma). The Fauna also has an apparent endemism. The molluscs show exclusive forms in one or more hummocks, among the most prominent are the genus Zachrysia, Liguus and Viana. Among the birds the following are in the area: the Cuban emerald, the Cuban trogon, the cartacuba, the nightingale and the Cuban grass quit of the pine grove.


Horizontes Los Jazmines
Carretera de Viñales km 25, Pinar del Río.

Horizontes La Ermita
Carretera La Ermita km 2, Viñales, Pinar del Río.

Horizontes Hotel Rancho San Vicente
Valle de San Vicente, Viñales, Pinar del Río.

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